凉菜 cold dishes开胃泡菜 appetizer of pickle五香卤花生 five spice of peanuts南极冰笋 ice stalagmite夜郎豆干 hard been curd风味香椿 toon with an unique flavor糟拌茭瓜 zucchini in wine卤水素拼 vegetables in salt brine麻香鱼皮 Fragrant Sesame Fish Skin折耳根拌灰蛋 Parnassia foliosa mix with ash egg凉拌黄瓜 cucumber in sause豆豉拌龙爪菜 bracken mix with lobster sauce炒菜 fried dishes青椒肉片 fried pork slices with pepper宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts铁板牦牛柳 sizzling beef steak番茄炒鸡蛋 fried eggs with tomato鱼香茄子 eggplant with garlic sauce 飘香毛血旺 duck blood cake水煮肉片 boiled pork slices in a fiery sauce干锅大虾 Griddle cooked prawns石锅牛蛙 bullfrog pot麻婆豆腐 Bean curd with mince and chili oil